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Contact Us

* H I G H  E F F I C I E N C Y  F I T N E S S *
  Our effective, time efficient training methods are designed to help you achieve your goals safely, without spending endless hours exercising.

* H I G H E S T  Q U A L I T Y  C L I E N T  C A
R E *

 We give you all the attention you truly deserve.  
We are totally committed to exceptional client service and follow up.

* O N E  O N  O N E *

We're with you one on one, every critical "Rep" of the way to ensure safety and effectiveness.  And you have the continuity benefit of the same Specialist for each session.  Every program is prescribed to reflect your individuality, needs, goals, limitations, likes and dislikes.

* M O T I V A T I O N *

 Motivation, motivation, motivation is more important than location, location, location.  That's why Clients travel from as far away as Cambridge, Mississauga, Oshawa, and Barrie to train with us in Newmarket on a regular basis.

* E X E R C I S E  E N V I R O N M E N T *

 Clients love our private, completely equipped training facility which features many unique and innovative exercise tools to pave your way to progress.  And, you don't have to line up to use them.

* H O U S E  C A L L S *

 We can bring our expertise and equipment right to your home or business and train you there, or even help you set up your own home gym

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* E X P E R I E N C E  &  E X P E R T I S E *

You can't beat experience.  Cooke's has been providing Clients with safe, sensible, effective fitness solutions for 3 generations.  We offer a wealth of experience, expertise, and resources in exercise science, health and nutrition.
We don't just show our Client's how, we teach them w

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J. Deane Cooke, Certified Exercise Practitioner
Dr. Christian Cooke,
Doctor of Chiropractic, Kinesiologist, Health Science Associate


Contact Us